A new important tool to promote the sustainable growth of the country and relaunch the economy is sustainable mobility. The goal is total decarbonization by 2050, promoting a low environmental impact economy through the use of renewable sources. This project is promoted by the European Union, as 25% of pollution in the continent is due to road transport.
In the green economy, approximately 2.5 billion euros were allocated for sustainable mobility initiatives in 2020. The ongoing projects in this regard are aimed at facilitating the transition to a more sustainable economy by integrating production cycles with low-emission technologies for the production of green goods and services. This clean and intelligent transition is of great importance as it will significantly reduce pollution and the amount of polluting emissions.
Green mobility, however, does not only mean reducing polluting emissions generated by transport, but building a new efficient model capable of meeting social and economic needs, minimizing negative impacts on the environment. There are different paths that the individual can take: electric and shared mobility. Among the numerous projects and incentives present in Italy, incentives have been allocated for the purchase of electric vehicles, the reduction of the cost of energy for vehicle charging, the strengthening of the cycle network, the modification of the highway code for areas dedicated to public charging and the development of smart grids.
Apps that help sustainable mobility in Italy
Italy is also committed to the fight against air pollution and climate change. Sustainable mobility is a model that can ensure several benefits: responsible use of energy and a strong reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. In recent years, several apps and platforms have been created to promote sustainable mobility that also provide benefits to those who use them (e.g. incentives and discounts).
MUV : https://www.muvgame.com/ “ Play, win and change the world” You earn points by moving sustainably, such as walking, cycling, using public transport or sharing a car. Moving around the city becomes a real sport and citizens transform into sustainable mobility athletes. WE CITY : https://www.wecity.it/ The company that aims to generate a behavioral change in companies, public administrations and citizens by promoting green travel and certifying the CO2 saved thanks to AI tools. It supports companies and public administrations by encouraging the achievement of socio-environmental objectives that promote sustainable mobility. GOODGO : https://www.goodgo.app/ , developed by the University of Pisa. The app detects the modes of transport, the cost of transport for each mode used, records the emissions of each user and the calories consumed, thus encouraging sustainable mobility. The “credits” assigned vary based on the percentage of CO2 saved during the journey.
In our country we must necessarily focus on integrated and effective solutions for urban mobility, reorganizing travel in a more efficient and less polluting way.
OWN OFF WITH NATURE is the 100% sustainable fashion brand that is committed to minimizing CO2 emissions and human footprint on the planet.